It’s the end of term!

Another academic year done and dusted.  Celebrations are in order…. But if you’re going home this weekend and want books to take with you make sure you come in on SATURDAY. We’re closed on Sunday.

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Winding down……..

Exams are gradually finishing…..shame about the rain. Remember to check and see if you have overdue books to bring back and/or fines to pay – get the mundane cleared out of the way to leave room for more serious relaxing.

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Term time hours at EFL start early!

Because we know lots of you are back in Cambridge finishing dissertations, the EFL will be open until 7pm this coming week (from 11th April). AND open next weekend too. Keep an eye on the opening hours page.

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Literature timelines for context

We’re building literature timelines. Our main timeline spans all the period papers. But we also have timelines for American, South African, Modernism and more….Get in touch if you’re interested in adding content to our timelines.

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Vacation borrowing starts on Monday!

Where HAS the time all gone! So on Monday be here bright and early for borrowing all those books you know you’ve been meaning to read sometime. Faculty members, please see emails from Libby on for updates on borrowing limits over the vacation.

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