Zotero in 30 minutes…

Get started with Zotero now and save yourself heaps of time and effort at hand-in. Ideal if you’re starting Part II and want a stress-free way to keep track of your dissertation references. Zotero is an app that works in your web-browser to save and store reference information for books, articles, etc. so that you […]

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Vacation loans

Vacation borrowing has begun!  English & ASNC staff and students may borrow up to 50 books over the vac. Short loans included, DVDs excluded. Normal loan limits apply for students from other faculties.  

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Part I Dissertation Quickstart Workshops

This week the academics and EFL staff join forces to present the Part I Dissertation Quickstart Workshops. Sign-up online now.  Useful for getting started on thinking about how to approach your dissertation and getting a headstart over the long vac.

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You said… We did…

Thanks to the feedback from the survey last term we’re working on some changes in the library. A lot of feedback mentioned that the individual desks upstairs are great but that there aren’t enough of them. So we’ve got new desk dividers in one of the ground floor side rooms. Try them out and let […]

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Vacation Loans

Vacation loans start today. Books borrowed or renewed from today onwards will be due back on the 17th of April. Check your borrowing limits here.

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