Torn Curtain - D TORN
Universal Studios (1966)
Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
In Collection
Seen ItYes
128 mins USA / English
DVD  Region 1
Paul Newman Professor Michael Armstrong
Julie Andrews Sarah Sherman
Lila Kedrova Countess Kuchinska
Hansjorg Felmy Heinrich Gerhard
Tamara Toumanova Ballerina
Alfred Hitchcock
Producer Alfred Hitchcock
Writer Brian Moore
Willis Hall
Cinematography John F. Warren
Musician John Addison

Michael Armstrong (Paul Newman), a rocket scientist from the United States, is attending a science conference together with his fiancée Sarah Sherman (Julie Andrews) in Copenhagen. He begins to act very strangely and Sarah follows him across the Soviet border to find out that he tries to defect to the enemy's side and sell off secret scientific information. However, it wouldn't be a movie directed by "the master of suspense", Alfred Hitchcock, if there wasn't a twist revealing that things are different than they appear...
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No. of Disks/Tapes 1
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